
At 亿宝彩票app, we have over 100 years’ experience helping people and places reach their full potential. Our people don’t just deliver services – they are the driving force behind many of the world’s top companies, going that extra mile to deliver memorable service moments with a human touch.



Our people specialise in creating great places, leaving you to focus on your core business. 汇集了亿宝彩票app官网行业的专家, we offer a range of bespoke services to help you empower your people and get the most out of your workplace.



等你们重新开张的时候, 我们可以帮助您确保安全, 重拾信心,重新思考未来. From making sure your places are safe and hygienic to fostering collaboration, 创新与社区, our solutions support you in creating the workplace of the future.



Smart, integrated facility services can help your organisation grow profitability, boost efficiency and gain a competitive edge – all while freeing you to focus on your core business. 我们适应您的需求和正在进行的转型. Whichever industry, whichever place, we’re there to enhance your success.



Inspiring greater employee health and wellbeing – and reducing healthcare costs

How could a more productive workplace environment promote a healthy lifestyle for employees, 同时降低缺勤率? 以及这如何有助于降低医疗成本? Here’s how our food services led to tangible outcomes for health and well-being.

Learn more/见解/观点/ / case - iss-us-health-and-wellbeing病例


We see it as our job to help our customers achieve their purpose. 无论是医院治疗病人, 企业提高生产力, 或者机场接送乘客, 我们是来帮忙的.

Customer & 员工的满意度

我们的亿宝彩票app官网可以帮助创造出色的客户体验, strengthen your reputation and give you a competitive edge in attracting and retaining talent.


我们平衡质量和成本效益, integrating services to help you minimise fixed costs while boosting your workplace experience.


We take full responsibility for your services and provide you with deep insights into operations. This means more reliability, accountability and the flexibility to act fast.


和你在一起, 我们作为“一个团队”来简化流程, eliminate business barriers and ultimately boost productivity in the workplace.

Peace of mind

We’ll take the hassle out of compliance by keeping you up-to-date with local and global regulations, 还有健康 & 安全要求.


我们明白,没有两个组织是相同的. That’s why we offer a range of different service models to suit your needs and match your budget.

Single service

  • 在单一领域提供一流的体验, 由顶级食品专家提供, 技术或我们的任何其他亿宝彩票app官网.  
  • 对于想要在单一地区提供亿宝彩票app官网的客户, 无论是简单的还是高度专业化的需求, 从实验室清洁到公司餐饮.  


  • Multiple services in your workplace or facilities connected by our top facility management talent, 专有技术和系统.  
  • For customers who want to benefit from outsourcing some, but not all non-core services.


  • All your workplace or facility needs integrated into one solution, giving you the full benefit of 亿宝彩票app’s cross-functional teams, dedicated key account management and workplace data insights.  
  • For customers who want to focus on their core purpose while offering their people and visitors a comprehensive suite of world-class services. 

Contact 亿宝彩票app

Are you are interested in our services or do you have questions about something else? 我们是来帮忙的.
