
Places that attract the best in banking

The digital revolution and the global pandemic are transforming workplaces and ways of working. We’re helping leading banks all over the world adapt and innovate, 同时照顾他们的人民, 他们的地方和地球. 这意味着降低风险, 设计更聪明, 更可持续发展的地方, and helping attract and retain the best people in financial services.

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of the world’s 30 largest banks work with us

Your partner in serving people, places and planet

银行在社会中扮演着至关重要的角色. That’s why our partnerships go beyond great workplace experiences to encompass corporate social responsibility, sustainability and the well-being of your people and the communities you serve. 凭借我们广阔的地理范围, we cover corporate offices and high-street branches to add value, 降低成本, and create exceptional service moments that your customers and employees will remember.

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Dedicated to compliance, consistency and quality

With a single point of contact and self-delivery efficiencies, we’ll focus on synergies and ensure total transparency throughout the contract – reducing risk, driving greater consistency and boosting quality.

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Our people are dedicated to making your workplace both remarkable and remarkably welcoming – impressing customers, engaging employees and attracting top talent.

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Our competence in business intelligence and smart buildings will help you embrace new technologies and stay competitive in today’s always-on digital economy.



Putting our energy into reducing consumption

More and more of our customers – including banking customers like Nordea – are asking how we can help them reduce their environmental footprint, 降低成本 and make processes more efficient. 这也是我们的首要任务.


End-to-end services for the banks of the future 

Bringing together experts from every facilities management field, we create the right conditions for you to attract and retain top talent by making your place of work the place to be – and empowering people to be productive.


Are you are interested in our services or do you have questions about something else? 我们是来帮忙的.





Artificial intelligence is already transforming how many businesses operate. In the coming years, leaders should prepare for its impact on the broader workplace experience.

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